Greta Alfaro: In Ictu Oculi at the Flint Institute of Arts, Michigan

 Greta Alfaro's film ' In Ictu Oculi' will be shown at the Flint Institute of Arts 1October - 31 October, 2019.

In Ictu Oculi ("in the blink of an eye") is concerned with the experience of time. The work's title, which alludes to the brevity of human existence, is shared by a number of vanitas paintings from the 17th century. A dinner table, laden with plates of food and wine bottles, its chairs waiting to be occupied, stands in a semi-mountainous landscape, a breeze flickering its tablecloth. The table's placement alludes to Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper. From out of the blue, vultures descend cautiously, bringing instability to the implied order of the scene. The meal's duration, and its strange quietness, lend it a human quality. The birds act out a travesty of human vanities: gluttony, selfish aggression, and the coveting of what will quickly pass away.



October 1, 2019