Greta Alfaro is a featured artist for the PhotoIreland Festival film screening 2021

This year, in collaboration with aemi, the PhotoIreland festival presents ‘To be consumed in totality’ (1 - 31 July 2021) an Artists Film Screening programme curated with and featuring work by artist-filmmaker Kevin Gaffney, looking at how we grow and consume food, and spend our time waiting for change, connection and satisfaction.


The seven artists’ works depict orchards being cared for in a desert, wild boars devouring a multi-tiered cake, a state-mandated flour consumption quota, all-consuming relationships, online identities and the sexually charged language of advertising. ‘To be consumed in totality’ explores the tension between our experience of natural and constructed realities through a wide range of processes and materials, including 16mm experimental film, fiction, documentary and archival footage.


Watch PhotoIreland Festival talk with Kevin Gaffney and aemi on 'To be consumed in totality'

July 2, 2021