Re-rooted: The Quiet Politics of Plants: Julia Bennett, Blanca Gracia, Coral Harding, Melania Toma & Rafał Zajko

13 September - 18 October 2024

Private View: Thursday 12 September 6.30 - 8.30pm


Cooke Latham Gallery present a group exhibition that delves into botany and its influence within contemporary art. It looks at the quiet politics of plants and the ways in which they have become the muse for many an artist, escaping the traditional still life remit, and becoming instead a filter for contemporary political discourse. In an epoch of environmental crisis and social upheaval the taxonomy, tenacity and tangled history of plants provides rich terrain for artistic thought.


Exhibited artists:

Julia Bennett

Blanca Gracia

Coral Harding

Melania Toma

Rafał Zajko


Image: Detail from work by Julia Bennett