Blanca Gracia

Blanca Gracia (b. 1989, Spain) lives and works between Barcelona and Madrid. Gracia's work uses myths, folklore and popular culture to construct new cosmologies that seek to address various contemporary socio-political and philosophical issues. The construction of utopias, using language as a form of creation and nature as a space for transformation are all recurring themes within her practice. Gracia's work uses drawing, audio-visual materials, installation and scenography to transform space and construct her own contained heterotopic worlds.


Recent solo and group exhibitions include Fabra i Coats, (2024); MUSE, (2024); Casal Solleric, (2024); Kottinspektionen, (2023); Casa de Iberoamérica, (2023); Sala de Arte Joven, Madrid (2022); Twin Gallery, Madrid (2020); Citadel of Pamplona (2020); Naves del Matadero, Madrid; Centro Parraga, Murcia (both 2019); ArcoMadrid (2018); Centro de Arte de Alcobendas, Madrid (2016); Bombon Projects, Barcelona (2018); La Casa Encendida, Madrid (2017).


Gracia is the recipient of several prizes and scholarships including Primera Fase community of Madrid (2022), CRA Matadero (2019), Generaciones (2017) or Mario Antolín Scholarship for the BMW Painting Prize (2017). Blanca was also the artist in residence at Gasworks, London from April - June 2023.